Board of Directors
Our CWSAA Leadership oversees the Association governance, long-term strategy, and enables a forward-thinking ski industry.
2024-2025 CWSAA Board of Directors
Board Chair & Directors
Board Chair
Eddie Wood
Dorothy Gould
Dave Morrison
Johnathan Clarkson
BC-Yukon Division
Kate Roddick
Hildur Sinclair
Darcy Arnold
Amy Blakeney
Alberta / Sask. / Man. Division
Kim Locke
Kim Jones
Katherine Seleski
Anders Svenson
Non-voting positions:
Jason Paterson
Robert Kennedy
Stewart Laver, Competitor Pass Chair
Christopher Nicolson
The President, Ex-officio and Past Board Chair are invited to attend and participate in Board Meetings. However, as non-elected participants, they are not entitled to vote.
2023-24 CWSAA Board

Left to Right: Eddie Wood, Dorothy Gould, Dave Morrison, Kate Roddick, Darcy Arnold, Penny Lindballe, Johnathan Clarkson, Kim Jones, Hildur Sinclair, Katherine Seleski, Kim Locke, Stewart Laver, Jason Paterson.
Absent: Andy Cohen (Past Chair), Robert Kennedy (CWSAA Ex-officio).