CWSAA Responsible Stewardship Workshop 3: Action planning continued + telling your sustainability story
Workshop 3: Action planning continued + telling your sustainability story
March 15: 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm Pacific Time
Facilitated by: GreenStep Solutions
Register HERE
Workshop 3 will provide participants with the opportunity to share and receive feedback on their sustainability action plans. Participants will have the opportunity to learn from their peers and
understand actions that are currently taking place as well as challenges they may be facing.
Best-practices for communication, both internally and externally, will be shared and participants will be guided through an exercise to develop a report or story for a responsible stewardship action they are particularly proud of.
Please note, there will be 3 workshops in this series. Workshop 1 is February 1, Workshop 2 is March 8 and Workshop 3 is March 15.
Learn More about the Workshops HERE.