Ingenuity and cooperation. This defines The Canada West Way.
Penny Vincent at Valley Ski Club in eastern Alberta updated CWSAA on its rental shop following our recent visit. One of their board members welded a few more hangers on the middle rack to expand storage of small skis. Then because they usually have 2 technicians fitting skis in busy times, the skis were arranged to start with our smallest (80cm) skis in the middle fanning out on either side to 160/170 cm. This way each tech has access to a full range of sizes without crossing each other’s paths while fitting. No cost and brilliant!
Added to that, Penny says that Duane Stephenson from Nitehawk in Grand Prairie and Mike Morrin from Eastlink in Whitecourt “have been a great help, sharing their forms and best practices.” Thanks for sharing Penny, Duane and Mike.