Skiing, snowboarding, biking and other activities that take place at ski areas involve the risk of injury. The information contained in this Safety and Risk Awareness website is intended to inform you of the risks, dangers and hazards that you may encounter at a ski area and help you and your guests stay safe while enjoying these activities.
Learn about important
Safety & Risk Awareness information:
Exclusion of Liability

It is a condition of your use of the premises and facilities and your participation in these activities that you assume all risk of personal injury, death or property loss resulting from any cause whatsoever, including negligence, breach of contract, or breach of any duty of care on the part of the ski area operator.
Your legal responsibility as a user of the ski area premises and facilities or participant in activities at the ski area is explained in the following notice, which you will see posted at the ski area.
View the Exclusion of Liability Notice applicable in your Province or Territory:
Alberta | British Columbia | Manitoba | Saskatchewan | Yukon | Ontario | PEI | Nova Scotia | Newfoundland | New Brunswick